
Team competitio


Trail photos

Photo ofTeam competitio


Trail stats

211,720 mi
Elevation gain
784 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
427 ft
Max elevation
8,789 ft
Min elevation
8,789 ft
Trail type
One Way
November 15, 2022
November 2022
Be the first to clap

near Springfield Gardens, New York (United States)

Viewed 25 times, downloaded 2 times

Trail photos

Photo ofTeam competitio

Itinerary description

Average speed
12,742 km/h
Max speed
8,29,372 km/h
Average wind speed
6,183 km/h
Max wind speed
8,926 km/h

16 nights

Heart rate average and maximum bpm by other people directly

Average bpm
168 bpm
Maximum capacity bpm
208 bpm by Chris and Amy Huffman + Tessari

Average bpm
174 bpm
Max capacity bpm
210 bpm by all the Zach’s in law their family

Average bpm
167 bpm
Max capacity bpm
207 bpm by Tessari

Accelerated by the random people
Janell blocked the answer of Chris Garrett. Janell said Jaxson lost his privilege having Olivia Birthday party on March 26th 2023. Chris played with Olivia Garrett.
Accelerated 6,000 km/h

Tassie Little
Chris pretty mad. Eye contact with Mrs Summers. Laughed with Jaxson had 3 hours of sleep by Chris makes a rule of sleep. Katies kicked out of their Tessari. Chris kicked out of Garrett. Tassie opened the door cause Chris to be really frustrated about this person.
Chris hate Tassie, Jaxson in this school.
Amy Huffman got Aly Brotherton that they flipped you 360 times in the row.
Chris sent Amy Huffman back in the revolutionary war 1776 and 1812z
Katie’s wedding, Katie’s husband said Tassie, Jaxson were not allowed or invited in the wedding
Accelerated 10,000 km/h
Your resource teacher was sent back to American revolution by Chris’s friend
Accelerated 3,000 km/h
Hubert Sanders said we see you are in the cold water in November.
Christ’s wife hate Tassie, Jaxson and Amy Huffman in this school
Accelerated 8,400 km/h
Chris said Jaxson, Tassie force us to accelerate our journey so I tried but this lady so good at the war.
Jenna was invited the wedding and engagement party accelerated 800
km/h. Resource teachers mad of Tassie for any reason..
Tassie eye contact 8th grade math teacher, John and Ms Summers, All PE teachers, Carla Real, Angle, Janell, Jeff, Resources Manager, assistant administration, Amy Huffman, social studies teachers, Tom Little, Eric Little, Jaxson Sime.

Donna Garrett
Jeff Garrett know Tassie killing some loyalist as the war.
She has injury right during the accelerating 300 RPM rapidly


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