
230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN


Trail photos

Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN


Trail stats

3.73 mi
Elevation gain
1,207 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,207 ft
Max elevation
1,304 ft
Min elevation
55 ft
Trail type
3 hours 5 minutes
October 6, 2023
August 2023

near Digermulen, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 47 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN Photo of230828 KEISERVARDEN. (384 m) (Hinnoya) LOFOTEN

Itinerary description

Keiservarden (384 m) es una muntanya situada a la punta sud de l’illa de Hinnoya. El seu nom es deu a les visites que l’emperador alemany Wilhelm II feu a aquesta muntanya els anys 1889 i 1906 segons podem veure i llegir en les dues grans pedres commemoratives de les visites. El cim d’aquesta muntanya es un excel·lent mirador del Ralfsundet, envoltat d’altes i verticals muntanyes de l’est de l’illa de Austvagoya que configuren espectaculars fiords. La pujada a aquest cim ofereix diferents alternatives. Aquesta es una circular que parteix del poble de Digermulen on comença un sender que s’enfila fins a un coll. Es tracta d’una pujada dins del bosc de bedolls, amb algun tram relliscós equipat amb cordes que ens ajuden a mantenir l’equilibri. Arribats al coll el camí gira al nord i carenant assoleix el cim entremig del Digerlkollen (363 m) i el Keiservarden (386 m). Val la pena arribar-se fins al Digermulkollen i gaudir de les excepcionals vistes. Tot seguit, seguint un sender senyalitzat, ens dirigim al cim del Keiservarden on trobem els esmentats memorials. Precioses vistes. El retorn a Digermulen el fem seguint el sender que rumb al NE baixa fins al Digermulvatnet que voregem fins arribar al final, on el camí gira al oest i per dins uns bosc de bedolls baixa dret fins a trobar la carretera 7630. Aquesta baixada també te trams equipats amb cordes. En arribar a la carretera caminem pel voral fins arribar a Digermulen.
ALTURA: 384 m.
TIPUS TERRENY: Camí bo i senyalitzat, amb algun tram relliscós equipat amb cordes.
TEMPS: 1:15 fins el cim. 2:45 tota la volta.
PUNT D’INICI: Centre de Digermulen.

Original TEXT written in Catalan. English translation made with Google translator. To translate into other languages, it is preferable to do it from the original in Catalan.

Keiservarden (384 m) is a mountain located at the southern tip of the island of Hinnoya. Its name is due to the visits that the German Kaiser Wilhelm II made to this mountain in the years 1889 and 1906 as we can see and read on the two large commemorative cairn stones of the visits. The top of this mountain is an excellent view point of the Ralfsundet, surrounded by high and vertical mountains in the east of the island of Austvagoya that form spectacular fjords. The climb to this peak offers different alternatives. This is a round trip that starts from the village of Digermulen where a trail begins that climbs up to a pass. It is a climb in the birch forest, with some slippery sections equipped with ropes that help us maintain our balance. Once at the pass, the path turns north and climbs to the summit between the Digerlkollen (363 m) and the Keiservarden (386 m). It is worth going all the way to the Digermulkollen and enjoying the stunning views. Then, following a signposted path, we head to the top of the Keiservarden where we find the aforementioned memorials. Beautiful views. We return to Digermulen by following the path that heads NE down to the Digermulvatnet which we skirt until we reach the end, where the path turns to the west and through a birch forest descends straight until you find road 7630. This descent also has sections equipped with ropes. When we reach the road we walk along the roadside until we reach Digermulen.
HEIGHT: 384 m.
TYPE OF TERRAIN: Good and signposted path, with some slippery sections equipped with ropes.
TIME: 1:15 to the top. 2:45 all round.
STARTING POINT: Center of Digermulen.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 23 ft
Photo ofDigermulen. Inici i Final Photo ofDigermulen. Inici i Final

Digermulen. Inici i Final

PictographWaypoint Altitude 14 ft

Inici Camí

PictographWaypoint Altitude 778 ft
Photo ofCruïlla camins

Cruïlla camins

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,133 ft
Photo ofDigermurkollen Photo ofDigermurkollen Photo ofDigermurkollen


PictographSummit Altitude 1,254 ft


PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,242 ft
Photo ofViewpoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 959 ft
Photo ofDigermulvatnet


PictographWaypoint Altitude 986 ft

Cruilla camins

PictographWaypoint Altitude 24 ft

Road 7630


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