
3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN)


Trail photos

Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN) Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN) Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN)


Trail stats

9.05 mi
Elevation gain
3,278 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,127 ft
Max elevation
9,081 ft
Min elevation
6,450 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 24 minutes
9 hours 55 minutes
October 6, 2023
October 2023

near Espot, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 31 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN) Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN) Photo of3. Dia - PN Aigüestortes: de Refugi J.M.Blanc - Refugi d'Amitge (ES/EN)

Itinerary description

3. Dia

Dificultad: Moderate/Dificil (especialmente bajada de Coll de Monestero es desafiante)

Start: Refugi J.M.Blanc -> subida a Coll de Monestero. Desde Coll de Monestero la bajada es dura (se necesitan bastones para seguridad). Hay mucha piedra pequeña que se mueve y hay que ir zigzag poco a poco.

Yo baje hasta casi Estany de Sant Maurici y lo pase por lado subiendo (direcion Portarró d'Espot), ahi me conecte a direcion refugi d'Amitge hasta refugio (se necesita reserva previa).

Es camino muy bonito especialmente la parte alrededor de JM Blanc y bajando Colll de Monestero llegando primeros arboles. Caminando por el valle con el rio Monestero hasta Mirador de l'Estany es espectacular!

Camine todo sola y modo muy tranqui, especialmente las bajadas por salvarme las rodillas con bastones.

3rd Day

Difficulty: Moderate/Dificult (especially going down from Coll de Monestero, lots of little moving stones, going slowly zigzag on steep hill, need of hiking sticks). You will walk big part of this trek on the stones.

Start: From Refugi J.M.Blanc (I really enjoyed this valley) towards Coll de Monestero. Going up to Coll de Monestero is ok, but going down is hard. There are many little moving stones and it is very steep. Once you reach the forrest on the othe side it becomes very pleasant walk through the valley, around river Monestero until lake Estany de Sant Maurici.

Once you reach the crossroad with Estany de Sant Maurici, you change direction toward Portarró d'Espot. On the way there you reach crossroad with direction towards refugi d'Amitge. Going that way traveserring the mountain gives spectacular views of Estany de Sant Maurici until you reach Refugi d'Amitge (you need previous pre-reservation sleep/food).

I walked the way alone and my rhytm is very slow especially going downhill saving my knees with hiking sticks.


PictographMountain pass Altitude 7,782 ft
Photo ofRefugi JM Blanc Photo ofRefugi JM Blanc

Refugi JM Blanc

PictographLake Altitude 7,805 ft
Photo ofEstany Negre Photo ofEstany Negre

Estany Negre

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,976 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographIntersection Altitude 8,150 ft
Photo ofIntersection Photo ofIntersection


PictographMountain pass Altitude 9,081 ft
Photo ofColl de Monestero Photo ofColl de Monestero Photo ofColl de Monestero

Coll de Monestero

PictographIntersection Altitude 8,087 ft
Photo ofIntersection


PictographIntersection Altitude 7,356 ft
Photo ofIntersection Photo ofIntersection Photo ofIntersection


PictographIntersection Altitude 6,470 ft
Photo ofIntersection


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,578 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographIntersection Altitude 6,804 ft
Photo ofIntersection Photo ofIntersection


PictographIntersection Altitude 7,267 ft
Photo ofIntersection Photo ofIntersection


PictographPanorama Altitude 7,300 ft
Photo ofPanorama Photo ofPanorama


PictographIntersection Altitude 7,293 ft
Photo ofIntersection


PictographMountain hut Altitude 7,933 ft
Photo ofMountain hut Photo ofMountain hut Photo ofMountain hut

Mountain hut


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