
Aeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km


Trail photos

Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km


Trail stats

8.09 mi
Elevation gain
4,068 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,049 ft
Max elevation
3,143 ft
67 5
Min elevation
392 ft
Trail type
One Way
March 16, 2016
March 2016
  • Rating

  •   5 2 Reviews

near Monistrol de Montserrat, Catalunya (España)

Viewed 10346 times, downloaded 285 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km Photo ofAeri de Montserrat to Monistrol de Montserrat 13 km

Itinerary description

I decided to create a four segment hiking series exploring the area east of Montserrat, and including a climb up to the Montserrat Monastery.

This, the third in the series, is 13 km & starts at the Aeri de Montserrat.

The trail begins along a footpath, climbing up to the Montserrat Moastery and beyond, and then wraps around to the north-east before descending again. The trail down passes by Santa Cecília de Montserrat and the Monasterio de Sant Benet, Montserrat before arriving at Monistrol de Montserrat.

Though this is not a technically difficult hike, there are some steep areas where you will be required to use your hands to climb over rocks and boulders; additionally, near the end there are areas with rough terrain and the descent is quite steep in some places.

The four hikes in the series are:
1) Sant Vicenç de Castellet > Sant Miquel de Gonteres
2) Sant Miquel de Gonteres > Aeri de Montserrat,
3) Aeri de Montserrat > Monistrol de Montserrat (climbing up to the Montserrat Monastery from the foot of the mountain) and,
4) Monistrol de Montserrat > Sant Vicenç de Castellet.

Once completed, the series will cover approx 75 km.


PictographTrain stop Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofAeri de Montserrat Train Station; 145 m Photo ofAeri de Montserrat Train Station; 145 m

Aeri de Montserrat Train Station; 145 m

Aeri de Montserrat Train Station; 145 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

1 km; 275 m

1 km; 275 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of2 km; 470 m Photo of2 km; 470 m

2 km; 470 m

2 km; 470 m

Photo ofMontserrat Monastery: 3 km; 680 m Photo ofMontserrat Monastery: 3 km; 680 m Photo ofMontserrat Monastery: 3 km; 680 m

Montserrat Monastery: 3 km; 680 m

It is not known exactly when Monks first came to Montserrat and began to build a Monastery. However, it is believed that in the ninth century four of the Chapels were built on Montserrat Mountain (St Mary's, St. Iscle's, St.Peter's and St. Martin's). It is believed that these were inhabited by hermit Monks who lived a solitary life of prayer. Today only one of these Chapels is still standing - St.Iscle. In 1025 the Abbot of Ripoli and Bishop of Vic, Oliba, officially founded the Monastery of Montserrat. During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries a Romanesque church was built in Montserrat containing a carving of the image of the Mother of God. Over this period pilgrims began to come to Montserrat. Throughout the following centuries Montserrat's importance grew: in 1223 there is the first account of a boy's choir at Montserrat, in 1409 the Monastery became an independent abbey and in 1490 Montserrat's printing press was installed. In 1493 the Monastery's word was spread even further when one of the hermits from Montserrat - Bernal Boil - went on a voyage to America with Christopher Columbus. One of the islands in the Antilles was named after Montserrat and this began the spread of the worship of the Mother of God of Montserrat in the Americas.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of4 km; 905 m

4 km; 905 m

4 km; 905 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo of5 km; 920 m

5 km; 920 m

5 km; 920 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

6 km; 845 m

6 km; 845 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

7 km; 740 m

7 km; 740 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

8 km; 685 m

8 km; 685 m

Photo ofSanta Cecilia: 8 km; 670 m Photo ofSanta Cecilia: 8 km; 670 m Photo ofSanta Cecilia: 8 km; 670 m

Santa Cecilia: 8 km; 670 m

santa cecilia
by nandomonedaCoordinates (lat,lon): 41.612217, 1.817486
Elevation: 659 meters
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PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

9 km; 655 m

9 km; 655 m

Photo ofMonasterio de Sant Benet, Montserrat: 10 km; 495 m Photo ofMonasterio de Sant Benet, Montserrat: 10 km; 495 m Photo ofMonasterio de Sant Benet, Montserrat: 10 km; 495 m

Monasterio de Sant Benet, Montserrat: 10 km; 495 m

El monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat és la comunitat benedictina més recent de Catalunya, fundada el 1952 a la muntanya de Montserrat de la unió de dues comunitats preexistents: Sant Antoni i Santa Clara de Barcelona (c. 1236-1952) i Sant Benet de Mataró (1881-1952). El monestir de Sant Antoni i Santa Clara de Barcelona, fundat fora muralles de Barcelona el 1236, fou la primera comunitat clarissa de Catalunya. Si bé, és cert que en posterioritat, el 1513, la comunitat de monges clarisses es passà al ordre benedictí, fins a la seva extinció el 1952. Moment en el qual es fusionà amb el monestir benedictí de Sant Benet de Mataró, fundat el 1881 a la ciutat de Mataró per una monja del monestir de Sant Daniel de Girona i una altra de Sant Pere de les Puel·les de Barcelona, les quals recercaven un model de vida comunitària més proper als inicis de la regla de Sant Benet. Amb la Guerra Civil Espanyola les monges de Sant Benet de Mataró perderen el monestir i al retornar el 1939 els monjos de Montserrat els cediren temporalment el monestir de Santa Cecília de Montserrat. Fou en aquest monestir romànic, testimoni de la primera presència de vida religiosa reglada a la muntanya de Montserrat, a on el 13 de maig de 1952 les dues comunitats de benedictines es fusionaren, extingint-se així Sant Antoni i Santa Clara de Barcelona i Sant Benet de Mataró, i fundant-se de nou la jove comunitat de Sant Benet de Montserrat, qui des de 1954 resideix en l’actual monestir de Sant Benet.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

11 km; 330 m

11 km; 330 m

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat: 12 km; 170 m Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat: 12 km; 170 m Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat: 12 km; 170 m

Monistrol de Montserrat: 12 km; 170 m

12 km; 170 m L’aqüeducte de Cal Pla - Bastit sobre contraforts i sobre arcs, és una construcció notòria documentada ja a principis del segle XVI i que duia l’aigua de la Font Gran als molins d’oli del palau Prioral i de Cal Gibert.

PictographTrain stop Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat Train Station; 170 m Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat Train Station; 170 m Photo ofMonistrol de Montserrat Train Station; 170 m

Monistrol de Montserrat Train Station; 170 m

Monistrol de Montserrat Train Station; 170 m

Comments  (4)

  • Photo of Erica Bertugli
    Erica Bertugli Nov 10, 2019

    Easy to follow. Amazing landscapes. I took 6h to complete it (5h walking + 1h breaks)

  • Photo of Erica Bertugli
    Erica Bertugli Nov 10, 2019

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Easy to follow. Amazing landscapes. I took 6h to complete it (5h walking + 1h breaks)

  • Photo of Julian Pearce
    Julian Pearce May 14, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Did it last weekend with a small group of occasional amateur hikers. We absolutely loved it. Took about 6 hours. It’s not difficult but you do need to use your hands to assist whilst up/down some parts. Breathtaking views!

  • Photo of tarareare
    tarareare May 15, 2021

    @Julian - glad you enjoyed it!

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