
Circuit de La Puebla De Roda


Trail photos

Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda


Trail stats

6.04 mi
Elevation gain
981 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
981 ft
Max elevation
2,961 ft
49 5
Min elevation
2,257 ft
Trail type
3 hours 29 minutes
August 17, 2015
August 2015
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near La Puebla de Roda, Aragón (España)

Viewed 2099 times, downloaded 64 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda Photo ofCircuit de La Puebla De Roda

Itinerary description

For this walk we parked our car on the A-1605 next to a bus stop, where a signpost of a geological foothpath points south-east to a small road going up.

We followed this road for slightly less than a kilometre and then it turns sharply to the left and you are faced with a very steep climb of more than 35% which takes you 100 metres higher to a track that leads you to Roda de Isabena, prominently situated on top of a hill.

The views during this walk are beautiful and there is a great variety in scenery. Unfortunately this part of the walk also passes some pig farms with their characteristic pungent smell that not everybody likes. The view of Roda de Isabena makes up for this though.

After passing the farms you reach the road to Roda de Isabena that you follw to get to the old city with its majestic cathedral from the eleventh century, San Vincente Martir. It is worth your while to wander slowly through the old streets and alleys around the cathedral which will also give you a good view of the surrounding countryside.

We found a beautiful quiet spot, just outside the city, next to a small, very old church to picnic and overlook the valley of the Isabena. You will look down on the other side of the river that you will follow back to La Puebla de Roda.

The descent to the A-1605 is a beautiful one and you can see the signs that once upon a time this must have been an important track to Roda.

Reaching the A-1605 the path turns to the left and shorly afterwards to the right to an impressive Roman bridge across the Isabena. A beautiful spot indeed. Having crossed the bridge the path rises 20 to 30 metres and you will really have a beautiful view of this meandering river and the surroundings and you will see El Turbón rising in front of you.

Reaching La Puebla de Roda we also took the time to go up to this little village and breathe in its quietude.


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,457 ft
Photo ofView on La Puebla de Roda

View on La Puebla de Roda

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,764 ft
Photo ofThe view after the first climb

The view after the first climb

PictographPicnic Altitude 2,848 ft
Photo ofRoda de Isabena Photo ofRoda de Isabena Photo ofRoda de Isabena

Roda de Isabena

PictographBridge Altitude 2,265 ft
Photo ofPuente Romanica Photo ofPuente Romanica Photo ofPuente Romanica

Puente Romanica

Comments  (2)

  • Alsira Rodríguez Cubero Apr 30, 2018

    I have followed this trail  View more

    He realizado esta ruta con mi pareja en plena temporada de lluvias y pese a que el tiempo respetó, el camino estaba embarrado (nada que sumara mucha dificultad), y no resultaba resbaladizo debido al tipo de roca que hay en la zona. El tramo más complicado en mi opinión es la subida desde el puente de Roda de Isábena al pueblo, dado que es una subida muy pronunciada y si las piedras están mojadas, resbaladiza. Resaltar lo bonito de ver la muralla del pueblo nada más llegar al municipio y la posibilidad de convertirla en ruta circular, pues desde Roda de Isábena, bajo el sendero de la muralla, se pueden ver indicaciones a pie de carretera para volver a La Puebla de Roda en escasamente una hora andando. Muy recomendable por la belleza del paisaje y la posibilidad de contemplar los meandros del Isábena.

  • Photo of DinkSmallwood
    DinkSmallwood May 1, 2018

    Thanks for your reaction. We are glad you liked this walk. It made us look at the description and photo's again and once again we relived this very beautiful walk.

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