
Garni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd


Trail photos

Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd


Trail stats

4.16 mi
Elevation gain
1,644 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,644 ft
Max elevation
6,789 ft
Min elevation
5,163 ft
Trail type
2 hours 57 minutes
November 13, 2015
June 2015
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near Kerpikend, Ararat (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 2035 times, downloaded 43 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd Photo ofGarni Temple, Gilan Village and Kakavaberd

Itinerary description

Hiking trail description
This trail is located along the shared border of the Kotayk and Ararat provinces. The route takes hikers past some significant landmarks including the Temple of Garni, located in Garni village, Gilan village (8 km away), the Khosrov Reserve and Kakavaberd Fortress. Hikers can choose to spend the night in Gilan and hike a few more routes, as well as interact with locals to experience some delicious Armenian cuisine and hospitality. The route returns via the same path.

Monuments description
Kakavaberd, also known as Keghvaberd, is a medieval fortress on the right bank of the Azat River, in the Mazaz region of the Ararat province. The Armenian Catholicos and historian Hovhannes Draskhanakertsi, first mentions Kakavaberd, in the 9th century, as the ancestral land of the Bagratuni Dynasty. According to Draskhanakertsi’s writings, in 924, the Arab commander, Beshir, attacked the fortress but was defeated by the commander, Gevorg Marzpetuni. However, Marzpetuni’s forces were diminished, and they soon sought refuge elsewhere, leaving the fortress to be taken by Beshir.
In the 11th century, control of it passed to the Pahlavuni family and between the 12-13th centuries it was under the rule of the Proshyan family. The fortress was last mentioned in 1224, when, after losing a battle near Garni, Ivane Zakarian sought shelter there.
The fortress is currently still standing and well preserved. Built on the top of a high mountain – at an altitude of 2,066 m, it is unreachable on three sides, due to the natural layout of the landscape and the walls which stretch all along the north-eastern side, with widths and heights of 2-2.5 m and 8-10 m respectively, and a large number of fortified towers. Inside the fortress lie the remains of a preserved church and a number of other ruins.
Gilan village is located 8 km from Garni, in the Khosrov Reserve. There is no school, village administration or hospital in the village. Gilan does not technically have village status, but people live here together with their families, without any major issues. Here, 20 families work together to cultivate their land, plant new trees and enjoy the large variety of fruits and vegetables that this land provides them with year round. All the people of this old village are highly hospitable, and often host tourists during the summer months, offering them tasty traditional Armenian dishes and a place to stay.
The pagan Temple of Garni is located on the right bank of the Azat River. Legend ascribes Garni’s founding to Hayk Nahapet’s (the ancestor of all Armenians) great-grandson, Gegham, who named the temple of Garni after his grandson Garnik. The fortress of Garni was built in the Hellenistic architectural style, on the high triangular promontory, during the reign of King Tiridates I (Trdat, in Armenian) in the year 76. The fortress of Garni was destroyed several times throughout the centuries, but Armenian kings would always restore it – turning it into a summer residence, a place for the military exercises of troops and even an Episcopal Residence.
Archaeological excavations around Garni have found late Bronze Age tombs, early Urartian and Armenian cuneiform and ceramic inscriptions, attributed to King Argishti, and an urban settlement in front of the fortress, the traces of which had been covered by medieval and modern buildings.
There is also a medieval cemetery on the northern side of the village with carved khachkars (cross stones) and inscriptions on the tombs. Currently the temple of Garni attracts numerous tourists visiting Armenia with its well-preserved majestic architecture and carvings.
The temple is open for everyone throughout all four seasons and at night; it is dressed in the beautiful glow of coloured lights.
Khosrov Reserve is under strict protection by the State of Armenia. The Khosrov Forest (including Urts Reserve and Garni Reserve) was once the hunting grounds of the 4th century Armenian king, Khosrov G. Kotak (Khosrov III the Small), after whom it is named. It was during his reign that, according to Khorenatsi, the forest grew noticeably in size. The reserve extends from the Arax River to the Azat River. At an altitude of 1,600-2,300 m, and with an area of 27,000 hectares, the reserve has been under State protection since 1958, in order to preserve, improve and propagate existing and new species of flora and fauna.
Kakavaberd Fortress, the Geghard, Havuts Tar, and St. Stephanos (Stepanos) Monasteries, a church carved into a cave, a medieval bridge and other historical monuments can be found in the Khosrov Forest. Azat River flows through the forest, with its abundant tributaries forming numerous rapids and magnificent waterfalls.

The flora within the Khosrov Reserve is plentiful – it includes around 1,800 species of plants, which constitute more than 50% of Armenia's flora, by species! 146 of these are registered in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Armenia (similar to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species).
In the areas between Gilan and Kakavaberd there are a variety of interesting plants, trees and flowers, which vary depending on each micro climate. Semi-desert landscape dominates the lower slopes of the mountains, and forest vegetation covers the mid-altitude slopes, where sparse juniper and oak trees grow.
Other plants include the broad-leaf spindle (euonymus europaeus), guelder-rose (Viburnum opulus), sorbus and Caucasian honeysuckle, and species of flowers such as cichorium, clary sage (salvia), valeriana (valerians), Centaurea, nettle, plantain (plantago), white bryony, and Achillea , which are said to have healing properties. Plants like thyme (Thymus) and mint grow here, and are often used as herbs in teas and cooking. Thyme is known to lower blood pressure.

It is quite possible to hike this entire route without seeing any animals. However, the opposite is also true. A primary task of the Khosrov Reserve is the protection and breeding of species, which is strictly monitored and controlled. Usurian spotted deer, for example, was introduced to the reserve in 1954.
The most common animals include the Armenian mouflon (wild sheep) and Bezoar goat (wild goat) and some species of amphibious reptiles that can be encountered here in great numbers in the summer months, due to the hot weather. Other, rarer sightings include leopards, brown bears, wild boars, foxes, hares, lynxes, martens, wolves and badgers.
The birdlife is especially abundant, and sightings of black kite, bearded vulture, griffon vulture, eagle, wild pigeon and jay are common. There are also many reptiles, and hikers are recommended to take extra care to avoid unwanted encounters with toxic vipers (Gyurza, in Armenian).

Safety and Security
Mobile telephone coverage is essentially unavailable between Gilan and Kakavaberd, with only one location in Gilan offering decent signal. The 911 emergency service operates throughout Armenia in case of any accidents. Look out for snakes! Be sure to bring bottled water!

Technical parameters
Best period: April -October
Distance: 26km from Yerevan
Duration: 37 minutes
Hiking trail length: 7.6 km
Walk duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (do not rely on the GPS-derived time)
Altitude from Sea Level: 1,570-2,066 m
Existing Trail Surface: 100% existing

How to Get There
In order to reach Garni, the most convenient option is to take a taxi from Yerevan. This will cost around 2,700 AMD. It is advisable to take a taxi with a working meter (be sure the driver uses it), or agree on a price beforehand.
There are also buses to Garni village that leave from Gai Bus Station in Nor Nork, Yerevan. Minibus number 268 goes to Garni village, from where you can walk to the temple. This should cost 250 AMD.
To get from Garni to Gilan (the start of the hike), you will need to order a taxi from the village.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,167 ft

001 Trek the fortress Kaqavabd

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,111 ft

002 The best drinking water

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,777 ft

003 Kaqavaberd

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,195 ft

004 Finish


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