
Lac de montagne


Trail photos

Photo ofLac de montagne Photo ofLac de montagne Photo ofLac de montagne


Trail stats

9.46 mi
Elevation gain
4,485 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,485 ft
Max elevation
7,176 ft
Min elevation
3,138 ft
Trail type
Moving time
3 hours 52 minutes
6 hours 33 minutes
October 8, 2021
October 2021
Be the first to clap

near Aydius, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France)

Viewed 8 times, downloaded 0 times

Trail photos

Photo ofLac de montagne Photo ofLac de montagne Photo ofLac de montagne

Itinerary description

To go to both summits allow 6hrs 3O without stops. Hr less if just to lake. Perhaps the most romantic lake in Pyrenees has become an Instagram favourite but u have to earn your likes. This is a long hard walk with a big elevation gain


PictographPhoto Altitude 3,118 ft
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From new parking area follow dirt track past barrier gently uphill

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,244 ft
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After 15 min pass some old stone barns next to a hurried river. Keep straight ahead

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,352 ft
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Follow road around to right it's signed

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,466 ft
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After around 25min and at 1062m come to old parking area. Veer off road here to left and follow grassy trail hard up into dense dark woodland

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,594 ft
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Moment or so later hop over stream

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,734 ft
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Now the hard work begins. Fearsomely steep climb. After 5min pass through sty.

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,142 ft
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Superb forest. Path unmarked for most part but easy to make oit

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,281 ft
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Rare yellow markers keep I going right way

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,486 ft
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After hr 30 and at 1360m emerge out of forest very suddenly onto a pasture with livestock and scattered trees continue straight ahead east to obvious ridge. High karstic peaks on right and view toward lescun behind. This is the Crete de Barca.

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,197 ft
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After hr 45 reach the shepherd cabin (name on sign) where semi wild horses spend summer grazing with a millionaires view over valley. There's a cold clean water source here. Continue up hard in east direction

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,677 ft
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At 1733m and 2hrs from start there's a trail junction with giant rock walls on your right. Continue straight ahead east toward obvious pass between rock walls. Path finally beginning to level out a bit more

PictographPhoto Altitude 5,837 ft
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Valley dips down but path stays level on left flank of hill. Vulture and eagle roost on clenched fist rock slopes

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,017 ft
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Reach the pass col de la taillandere after 2.5 hrs. There's an electric fence here for livestock and sign saying danger to continue buy no indication why and trail goes right past fence drops down a little and bends left. As view of valley de ossau opens up ahead

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,153 ft
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From pass path climbs again bending right SW and heading around the back of the clenched fist rock faces which conceal the lake

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,170 ft
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Most dangerous part of walk follows (and why it said dangerous) a steep climb up rubble slope at foot of rockfall probe peak

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,257 ft
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Path itself not dangerous in clear snow free condition (but shady angle means snow lingers) but rockfall danger is real so don't linger but go steady

PictographIntersection Altitude 6,323 ft
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Good way marking here. Last bit very steep and slidy loose rock

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,594 ft
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After a good 3hrs from start and a leg burning final 29min asce t come to a ridge with the lake just Infront and below u. Heavily grazed by summer livestock it's an idylic spot but for full heart shaped overview u need to continue climbing and from this angle it looks high and far

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,619 ft
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Go around left south side of lake and start climbing on clear path

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,760 ft
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Path goes hard up in a SSW direction following a damp stream seasonal in places

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,036 ft
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At m come to a pass with trail left and right and epic view toward lescun and ossau and lake. We will go first left to highest peak a few min climb onward. It's 25min from start of climb by lake to this point and in places can be quite vertical

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,176 ft
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Summit of pic de Madras 2188m after 4hr from start and 30mim from lake

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,041 ft
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Back at junction just below peak this time go straight ahead to the margin lower peak now facing you

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,059 ft
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To get to summit of this peak the path splits a moment from top don't take very steep unstable one straight ahead but take one branching left going behind peak so u loose sight of lake and get views into valley d'aspe. It's much safer and climbs up without dfear of falling

PictographPhoto Altitude 7,148 ft
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View from second summit

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,753 ft
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Follow trail around lake for a view from other side

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,763 ft
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From this northern side of lake it appears the lake is in middle of volcanic caldera. Perhaps it is? Very steep sides.. be very careful if climbing around slopes fringing lake. Do not take children weak walkers or vertigo sufferers up to two main peaks. Most people just climb 50m up above lake on north side for a perfect heart shaped view without the risk and exertion of summit.

PictographPhoto Altitude 6,636 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,510 ft
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100m after rejoing Rd u can do a little short cut by veering off left there's a sign takes u through woods off road

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,359 ft
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2 ?min later hot Rd again having cut off a sweep of road. It saves a bit of time but very little


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