
Slievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking


Trail photos

Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking


Trail stats

3.65 mi
Elevation gain
2,047 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,047 ft
Max elevation
2,197 ft
Min elevation
106 ft
Trail type
2 hours 16 minutes
October 9, 2021
October 2021
Be the first to clap

near Slievemore, Connaught (Ireland)

Viewed 138 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking Photo ofSlievemore (671m) from old cemetery parking

Itinerary description

Esta ruta empieza en el parking del viejo cementerio de Slievemore.
Nada mas dejar el parking nos desviamos a la derecha, cruzando el poblado abandonado, y enfilamos la subida casi de manera directa.

Mencionar que no hay ningún camino marcado ni visible y que en todo momento vas buscando el mejor lugar para avanzar.
La ruta se puede dividir en dos partes que se pueden diferenciar claramente en el track gps ya que hace un angulo recto muy bien definido.

La primera parte no solo tiene mas pendiente sino que además es mas difícil porque hay mas vegetación que a veces hace un poco mas lento el avance.

La parte alta, que empieza aproximadamente en un grupo de rocas que podemos ver en todo momento desde abajo, va perdiendo gradualmente la pendiente hasta llegar a la cima de Slievemore desde donde se puede disfrutar de unas fantásticas vistas.

Descripción completa y mas fotos en Back from Summit: Slievemore

This route starts at the Slievemore old cemetery parking.
As soon as we leave the parking we make a right turn, crossing the Deserted Village, and going up almost in a straight line.

It is worth mentioning that there is no marked or visible track to follow. At any moment you are deciding what's the best way to continue forward.
The route can be divided into two parts that can be easily identified in the track gps since there is a well defined 90 degrees angle.

The first part not only is steeper but also it is harder since there is more vegetation that makes it slower to move forward.

The highest part, which starts approximately at the rocks that can be seen from everywhere on the way up, gets progressively less and less steep until reaching the Slievemore summit. Enjoy the great views once at the summit.

Full description and more pictures at Back from Summit: Slievemore

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PictographCar park Altitude 110 ft
Photo ofStart and end (Parking cemetery) Photo ofStart and end (Parking cemetery)

Start and end (Parking cemetery)

PictographSummit Altitude 2,197 ft
Photo ofSummit Slievemore (671 m) Photo ofSummit Slievemore (671 m) Photo ofSummit Slievemore (671 m)

Summit Slievemore (671 m)


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