
Descens de l'Angonella - Andorra



Trail stats

18.37 mi
Elevation gain
4,816 ft
Technical difficulty
Very difficult
Elevation loss
4,639 ft
Max elevation
9,049 ft
28 3.7
Min elevation
4,272 ft
Trail type
One Way
8 hours 6 minutes
August 17, 2009
August 2009
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near Arans (Andorra)

Viewed 3473 times, downloaded 53 times

Itinerary description

Descens des de la Portella d'Arcalís fins a Llorts per la Vall de l'Angonella. Cal carregar la bici a l'esquena els darrers 300m fins a la portella. La pujada des de baix en bici, és molt dura, a no ser que algú ens pugi amb el cotxe fina a la Coma d'Arcalís. El descens és dificil o impossible en bici fins prop del refugi, però després...

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of ymmark0
    ymmark0 May 20, 2015

    I have followed this trail  View more

    You need to be fit. It's a long climb up to Portella at the top of arcalis. Then you need to walk the bike up to the ridge line. The descent from the ridge line into Angonella is very steep on loose scree. It's just ridable (well for me, a better rider would be fine I'm sure).

    The descent from Angonella to Llorts is great fun but actually quite quick.

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