
Volta de Puig de Sa Barca


Trail photos

Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca


Trail stats

2.06 mi
Elevation gain
784 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
564 ft
Max elevation
2,110 ft
Min elevation
1,196 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 27 minutes
3 hours 20 minutes
October 4, 2022
October 2022
Be the first to clap

near Port des Canonge, Baleares (España)

Viewed 116 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca Photo ofVolta de Puig de Sa Barca

Itinerary description

Volta de Puig de Sa Barca (Banyalbufar)
Entram per costat reixa, al final té un buit
Passam restes de la cimentera.
Pujam clot de s'aigua, vorem filats de tords, siguau respectuosos amb el material!
Trobarem més adalt la potada des cavall que coincideix amb la Gr221 pujam al puig (3 cims
Puig de Sa Barca (584, 583 y 582 metres respectivament)En feim un i baixam per ses rotasses,en mode de escurçall, alerta patinades. Arribam on hem deixat els cotxos un poc anteriorment. En la majoria de la ruta, no hi ha camí com a tal.

Dificultat tècnica si.bona forma física.
Recomanable pals de nw, botes de muntanya, agua, mòbil amb bateria, calçons de senderisme, hi ha aritges i càrritx, no recomanable nins inferiors a 10anys.

Nota: L'inici es on deixam els cotxos,es una volta circular, però no s'ha guardat bé.

Volta de Puig de Sa Barca (Banyalbufar)
We enter by side grid, at the end it has a gap
We pass remains of the cement factory
We climb the waterhole, we will see rows of thrushes, bird hunting berespectful with the personal objects there.
We will find Rei en Jaume horse mark that coincides with the Gr221we climb the mountain (3 peaks
Puig de Sa Barca (584, 583 and 582 meters) respectively. On most of the trail is not a trailmark on the eye properly. We make one summit and go down the slipping and sliding acorny forest. We used this time some shortcuts, Finally we aim to the car earlier this time.

Technical difficulty yes.
good physical condition.
Recommended nw poles, mountain boots, water, mobile with battery, hiking pants, there are wild ivy spears and local blade bushes, be careful, not recommended children under 10 years old.

PS: The beginning is where we leave the cars, it is a circular hike, but it has not been accurate saved on wiki due to network.


PictographRuins Altitude 1,229 ft
Photo ofAntigua fabrica cemento

Antigua fabrica cemento

PictographRuins Altitude 1,260 ft
Photo ofRuins Photo ofRuins


PictographRuins Altitude 1,273 ft
Photo ofForn


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,227 ft
Photo ofPhoto Photo ofPhoto


PictographMountain pass Altitude 1,483 ft
Photo ofFilat de tords

Filat de tords

PictographPanorama Altitude 1,508 ft
Photo ofPanorama


Badia de Banyalbufar

PictographPanorama Altitude 1,580 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,580 ft
Photo ofPotada des cavall des rei en Jaume

Potada des cavall des rei en Jaume

PictographTree Altitude 1,759 ft
Photo ofPujada a cim Photo ofPujada a cim

Pujada a cim

PictographTree Altitude 2,075 ft
Photo ofPuig de sa barca

Puig de sa barca

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,457 ft
Photo ofPas de pedra i Mur de Calç Photo ofPas de pedra i Mur de Calç

Pas de pedra i Mur de Calç


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