


Trail photos



Trail stats

1,553 mi
Elevation gain
27,395 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
27,395 ft
Max elevation
6,758 ft
Min elevation
-22 ft
Trail type
6 days 23 hours 14 minutes
June 17, 2023
June 2023

near Windhoek West, Khomas (Republic of Namibia)

Viewed 401 times, downloaded 23 times

Trail photos


Itinerary description

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Namibia is a surprise for those who go here for the first time. A country with an area of more than 800,000 km² and barely two and a half million inhabitants. Walking its tracks we will be alone on many occasions, and for tens and sometimes hundreds of kilometers we will not come across people or vehicles.

A BIT OF HISTORY: Namibia owes its name to the Namib desert, one of the oldest and most arid in the world. Its recent history has been linked to German domination, which has left its mark on many cities, and even on the way the country is organized. Germany has to renounce its colonial empire after the First World War, being replaced by South Africa, which will remain in the country until its independence in 1989.

HOW WE DROVE IT: The best way to travel the country is by renting a car. Although most of the route can be done in a conventional vehicle, it is preferable to choose a 4x4, Toyota Hilliux or Nissan Navara, both pickups. These come already prepared with an additional fuel tank, which together with the vehicle's gives a total of 160 liters available, as well as a 40-liter water tank. They also come equipped with camping equipment, from a refrigerator to tents that are usually located on top of the vehicle. We must take into account that in great distances we will not find service stations or accommodation.

BEST TIME TO TOUR THE COUNTRY. There are differences between the different geographical areas of the country. In summer, temperatures can be oppressive, exceeding 40° during the day, especially in the Namib and Kalahari deserts, although temperatures drop considerably at night, reaching 0°. The main period of storms goes from January to April. And we must take into account that the accommodations can be filled during the vacation periods, both in the country itself, South Africa and Europe. During our trip in June the temperatures were not significantly high during the day, cooling down considerably at night.

The followed route covers three fundamental points of interest: Etosha National Park, the Skeleton Coast and the Namib desert. The itinerary of an eight-day trip in detail is as follows:

STAGE 1. WINDHOEK – ETOSHA (415 km). Normally planes from Europe via Frankfurt arrive at a Windhoek mid-morning. It is enough time to be able to take a vehicle and make the first stage to the Etosha National Park. The accommodation takes place at the door of the Park in the ETOSHA VILLAGE.

STAGE 2. ETOSHA NATIONAL PARK. (250 km). We are going to dedicate a full day to visit this national park. Its name means “great white place of dry water”, and it is a white plot of more than 5,000 km² that a few days a year the rains turn into a shallow lagoon. However, life is found in its perimeter, there in a parched environment inhabits its varied fauna, which is made up of 340 species of birds, 114 of reptile mammals, amphibians, and innumerable insects. The first Europeans arrived here in 1856, however the park has had its current configuration since 1970, when its current situation was defined. In its origins, the innumerable fences that limit both the park environment and private estates did not exist as they do today.

Etosha can be explored by private vehicle, with 2/3 of the park open to the general public and the rest for tour operators. The entrance to the park is delimited by its access gates, where you have to pay a fee to enter, in a stay from dawn to dusk. Once the closing time has been decreed, you will not be able to enter the park, however to leave it, it is enough to sound the horn and listen to the warnings of the park personnel about the dangers that it contains at night due to its fauna.

Some rules for touring the park and observing the animals.
The main observation places, which are also delimited, are the waterholes, or troughs. Thus we will find different types of animals in peaceful coexistence, such as zebras, giraffes, antelopes, etc. Many of them, especially in times of extreme drought, are maintained artificially. Blocks of salt are sometimes provided to the animals.
Best time of the day. Although we can meet at any time, dawn or dusk is preferable, times when they go to the ponds, avoid the heat and are preferred by some of them for hunting. At night it is also very active for some animals, but private visits cannot leave the camps, although guided night circuits are organized, where we can see, or at least try, hunt the lion.
What animals will we see? Fundamentally herbivores, impalas, antelopes, onyks, zebras, etc. It is impressive to see the giraffes, so close to us. Elephants, usually in herds. Isolated rhino, buffalo and rhino. At first it will surprise us how all the animals coexist peacefully, and the relationship with the humans they treat many times, they answer by showing their rear.
Rules to follow: the vehicle cannot leave under any circumstances, even not open the door and lean out. We may be reprimanded, even sanctioned, for violating this rule. The tracks are perfectly signposted and are very easy to navigate, with the only inconvenience in the dry months of the cloud of dust in which we will travel. Several cars stopped at one point means that an animal is nearby.
How much time is needed: Our one-day route was notoriously sketchy. Two or three days can be convenient to observe its different sectors.

STAGE 3 ETOSHA – MALANRUS (309 Kms.). We leave the Etosha park and head towards the coast, in a transition stage, which will bring us some surprises. Shortly after the start we enter the long and lonely tracks, which we will follow throughout the day.

We stop at the PETRIFIED FOREST, to see petrified trees. His story is amazing. 260-280 million years ago, when the continents were still joined and ice covered the land, a large fault line of volcanoes erupted in what is now northern Angola and western Congo, melting the ice. and creating a great flood, a flood of biblical proportions. The water washed away the trees in that area, and buried them under a thick layer of mud. The lack of oxygen suffered by the trees under the mud prevented them from rotting, and the pressure exerted by the weight of the tons of mud that lay on the trunks caused the minerals, especially silicon oxide, manganese oxide and iron, penetrate inside the trees, petrifying them. The trees came to the surface, and rocks, when the erosion of rain and wind was piercing the layer of earth. The trees are of the Gymnospermae group, an ancient type of conifer. They can be seen on a guided tour with a guide that lasts approximately 90 minutes. The accommodation is the MALANSRUS TENTED CAMP.

In this area we make contact with the HIMBAS, considered one of the last semi-nomadic peoples in Africa and are known for their traditional lifestyle. The Himbas have a distinctive appearance, with women sporting unique hairstyles and beaded and fur ornaments entwined around their bodies. Body decoration is an important part of their culture, and they use a mixture of red ocher and animal fat to smear their bodies, giving them a distinctive reddish hue.

STAGE 4. MALANRUS - HEATED BAY. COAST OF THE SKELETONS. (532 km). The track of this section reflects the singularities that we find in it. The entrance to the Parque de Torras Bay begins a little before the town, in reality a few facilities prepared for the summer season with water and electricity connection points. From there we are going to undertake a loop that will take us along the coastline. It is the most fun part of the whole itinerary, with no driving difficulties, if we pay attention to the sand. We will find colonies of seals, and the already very deteriorated remains of a shipwrecked ship.

A second mishap that delayed our progress was when we headed towards the beach along a track that progressively softened until it swallowed the wheels of the car. The rescue was obtained by the service personnel at the park exit information point. Surprisingly only with irons and shovels.

In this stretch of coast, the main attractions are:
- Its desert landscapes: The area is made up of sand dunes and vast plains that extend to the Atlantic Ocean.
- Shipwrecks, which give the Skeleton Coast its name: Along it, numerous shipwrecks dating back decades can be found, providing an intriguing glimpse into the area's maritime history.
- Marine fauna: The coast is home to a rich marine biodiversity, including colonies of seals and a variety of seabirds.
- The virgin beaches: The coast presents extensive white sand beaches and intact coastal landscapes.
Arrival is HENTIES BAY. It is a picturesque coastal city known for its long white sand beaches that attracts its nature lovers from all over the world. The city has become a popular tourist destination due to its spectacular marine environment. The accommodation First group Desert Rose.

STAGE 5. HEATED BAY-ROSTOCK. (391 km). At this stage we are going to cover the section between the coast and the desert, which gives it a special incentive.

Shortly after leaving, we will find one of the most recent shipwrecks. The Zeila that is also preserved very intact. While being towed to India in 2008 for scrapping, this trawler slipped its tow rope and ran aground. It is one of the most photographed shipwrecks, since it is located close to the shore.

Our next stop will be the only one on the trip where we do urban tourism. This is SWAKOPMUND, and it is the main coastal city of Namibia. It has a significant German air, and several attractions to visit, among which we can highlight: 1. Swakopmund Museum 2. Swakopmund Jetty 3. Welwitschia Plains 4. Snake Park 5. Swakopmund Camel Farm 6. Woermannhaus 7.National Marin Aquarium.

WALVIS BAY, our next stop is an important tourist center in the area. There we sighted a considerable number of flamingos. We advance along tracks until we find the same sand as the beach, there it is possible to continue with 4x4 vehicles.

The last section of the day is the one that we cover parallel to the Namib desert. A lonely track, parallel to the dunes at sunset was one of the best desert adventures of the trip. The arrival point is the - Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge, an accommodation situated on a vast estate, absolutely enchanting in its solitude.
STAGE 6. ROSTOCK – SESRIEN. (138 km). A transition stage towards the dunes. The biggest attraction on the road is the SOLITAIRE Service Station. Truly a place that lives up to its name. For years, it has been the only gas station for miles around. Even today it is the only petrol station between the dunes at Sossusvlei and the shoreline at Walvis Bay. It has a curious history: The Solitaire area was bought by Willem Christoffel van Coller, in the year 1948, with an approximate area of 33,000 hectares of land for the purpose of sheep farming. He built a small farmhouse near the crossroads of gravel roads next to a ranch. In later years, he built a small store and a manual gas pump. The store also came to act as a regional post office where bags of mail were delivered weekly. Today it has become famous for its apple pie, the best in Africa according to the guides. In any case, it is a really picturesque place. The accommodation is the Sossusvlei.

STAGE 7. NAMIB DESERT. We are in one of the highlights of the trip. Very close to the accommodation, we find the entrance to the park. Unless you enter through this door, the rest is fenced, it is not possible to find any place or area that is not.

In the first place we stop at DUNA 45, perhaps the best known in Namibia, although not the highest. Its name comes from the fact that it is located at kilometer 45 of the road that connects the entrance to Sesriem and Sossusvlei. With a height of 170 meters, it is composed of sand dating back about 5 million years, debris accumulated by the Orange River of the Kalahari desert and later displaced by the wind to its current location. It is imperative to climb to the top of it, from which we will enjoy a fabulous view of the surroundings. For those who do not undertake this walk, a gigantic acacia at its foot is a good resting point.

We continue advancing along the track, to visit DEAD VIEI, the best known place. The iconic dry trees with twisted trunks. Dead Vlei derives its name from two languages, Dead – English (death) and Vlei, meaning lake or swamp in a valley between the dunes in Afrikaans. The clay pot gives the impression of a lake, albeit without water. The lake was formed when the nearby Tsauchab River overflowed its banks, creating shallow temporary pools where the abundance of water allowed acacia and camel thorn trees to grow and flourish. Then, 900 years ago, the climate changed and the area was hit with drought and sand dunes encroached on the shelf, blocking the river in the area. The trees died, since there was not enough water to survive.

We only have to reach the last point of the route, SOSSUSVLEI, the place of no return, with dead acacias. It also happens to be surrounded by the largest sand dunes in the world, including Big Daddy, reaching 300-400 meters. These dunes have undoubtedly contributed to providing the necessary conditions to preserve the trees in their desiccated state.

STAGE 8. SOUSSOSVIEU – WINDHOEK (316 km). Last stage of the tour, which will leave us at our starting point, the Windhoek car rental agency.
We will be able to cover the stage in a relatively short time, as they are fast tracks, but very dusty.
As a significant element of the path we have the US-HOOGTE PASS. A high mountain pass at 1,878 meters. above sea level. It is one of the highest roads in the country, and has good viewpoints.
We will cross the TROPIC OF CAPRICORN, an imaginary line that delimits the southernmost points where the Sun can reach its zenith at noon. For all who pass by, a rusty plaque to take a photo.
We end the trip at Joes Beerhouse, a quaint brewery. .

Namibia will have surprised us by the solitude of its landscapes and its very well cared for and clean natural environment. A peaceful and safe part of Africa, on a continent that doesn't have many places like it


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,450 ft
Photo ofAlquiler vehículos

Alquiler vehículos

Starting point from the company headquarters

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 4,128 ft
Photo ofOutjo Supermercado

Outjo Supermercado

Único antes del parque

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,765 ft
Photo ofEtosha village Photo ofEtosha village Photo ofEtosha village

Etosha village

Hotel located at the very entrance of the park, starting point of the second stage.

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PictographIntersection Altitude 4,040 ft
Photo ofPista Photo ofPista Photo ofPista


Entrada en pista

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofFransfontein Photo ofFransfontein Photo ofFransfontein


Pequeña localidad en el camino

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,154 ft
Photo ofKorishas Supermercado Photo ofKorishas Supermercado

Korishas Supermercado

Con puestos de comida callejeros cercanos

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,509 ft
Photo ofBósque petrificado Photo ofBósque petrificado Photo ofBósque petrificado

Bósque petrificado

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,252 ft
Photo ofMalansrus Tented Camp Photo ofMalansrus Tented Camp Photo ofMalansrus Tented Camp

Malansrus Tented Camp

secluded accommodation It is located in a region with curious geological formations

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PictographInformation point Altitude 1,451 ft
Photo ofEntrada Parque TORRA BAY Photo ofEntrada Parque TORRA BAY

Entrada Parque TORRA BAY

Puesto en la entrada al parque

PictographWaypoint Altitude 48 ft
Photo ofTorra Bay Photo ofTorra Bay Photo ofTorra Bay

Torra Bay

Hardly a house, and some camping positions that are occupied in the summer season.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 28 ft
Photo ofBarco abandonado Photo ofBarco abandonado

Barco abandonado

No queda mucho de este naufragio

PictographRuins Altitude 17 ft
Photo ofOld Oil Drill Rig Photo ofOld Oil Drill Rig

Old Oil Drill Rig

These are the remains of an old abandoned oil drilling rig that was in operation in the late 1960s and early 1970s and was erected by Ben du Preez and Jack Scott. They were sure that there was oil, but when they reached a depth of 1,700 meters they realized that there was no oil here. It was erected long before it was proclaimed a National Park. Today, it provides a perfect nesting area for birds during the breeding season.

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Photo ofSalida parque Torra Bay

Salida parque Torra Bay

Puerta de salida del parque

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofHenties Bay Photo ofHenties Bay

Henties Bay

Resort town on the Skeleton Coast and close to Cape Cross, where there is an important colony of seals.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 18 ft
Photo ofBarco naufragado. zelia wreck Photo ofBarco naufragado. zelia wreck Photo ofBarco naufragado. zelia wreck

Barco naufragado. zelia wreck

One of the most recent shipwrecks, Zeila is the most intact. While being towed to India in 2008 for scrapping, this trawler slipped its tow rope and ran aground. It is one of the most photographed shipwrecks, as it is located on the shore and close to Henties Bay.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofWlotzkas Baken

Wlotzkas Baken

Translation from English-Wlotzkasbaken or Wlotzka's Baken is a holiday settlement on the Atlantic coast of Namibia, situated approximately halfway between Swakopmund and Hentiesbay. The area around the town is within the Dorob National Park and has extensive lichen colonies.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofSwakopmund Photo ofSwakopmund Photo ofSwakopmund


Main coastal city of Namibia, with a German air. Top things to see in Swakopmund; 1. Swakopmund Museum 2. Swakopmund Jetty 3. Welwitschia Plains 4. Snake Park 5. Swakopmund Camel Farm 6. Woermannhaus 7. National Marin Aquarium

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 64 ft
Photo ofSwakopmund Alquiler de Buggi

Swakopmund Alquiler de Buggi

Centro de aventuras en Swakopmund

Photo ofWalvis Bay. Punto de información

Walvis Bay. Punto de información

Punto de información antes de adentrarnos en las playas.

PictographPavement ends Altitude 32 ft
Photo ofFin de pista Photo ofFin de pista Photo ofFin de pista

Fin de pista

Punto final de pista antes de adentrarnos en arena.

PictographBirding spot Altitude 18 ft
Photo ofFlamencos Photo ofFlamencos


Punto de observación de cientos de flamencos

PictographReligious site Altitude 423 ft
Photo ofÍglesía aislada

Íglesía aislada

Isolated Rhenish Mission church in Rooibank built during colonial times

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,326 ft
Photo ofGoabeb Photo ofGoabeb Photo ofGoabeb


From here we move away from the chain of dunes to which we came parallel.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,121 ft
Photo ofRostock Rick Photo ofRostock Rick Photo ofRostock Rick

Rostock Rick

Rostock is an accommodation in an isolated environment.

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PictographMountain pass Altitude 4,088 ft
Photo ofSptreet Shoogte pass Photo ofSptreet Shoogte pass

Sptreet Shoogte pass

Us-Hoogte Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1,878 m (6,161 ft) above sea level, located in the Khomas region of Namibia. It is one of the highest roads in the country. It has good viewpoints along the way.

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PictographPanorama Altitude 5,229 ft
Photo ofMirador de Us-Hoogte Pass Photo ofMirador de Us-Hoogte Pass Photo ofMirador de Us-Hoogte Pass

Mirador de Us-Hoogte Pass

Buenas vistas del desierto.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,492 ft
Photo ofTrópico de Capricornio Photo ofTrópico de Capricornio Photo ofTrópico de Capricornio

Trópico de Capricornio

The Tropic of Capricorn is a parallel to the southern hemisphere. It is located at a latitude of 23° 26' 17",1​ south of the equator. This imaginary line delimits the southernmost points at which the Sun can occupy the zenith at noon. In the Tropic of Capricorn, therefore, The sun's rays fall vertically on the ground at the instant the December solstice occurs, which occurs between December 21 and 22. The Tropic of Capricorn marks the southern limit of the so-called intertropical zone, included between the tropics. of Capricorn and Cancer. It is called "of Capricorn" because in classical antiquity, when the summer solstice occurred in the southern hemisphere, the Sun was in the constellation of Capricorn. Currently, it is in the constellation of Sagittarius, but the name Tropic of Capricorn continues to be accepted by tradition.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,012 ft
Photo ofDuna 45 Photo ofDuna 45 Photo ofDuna 45

Duna 45

Dune 45 is the best known in the Sossusvlei area, in the Namib desert. Its name comes from the fact that it is located at kilometer 45 of the road that connects the entrance to Sesriem and Sossusvlei. With a height of 170 m, it is composed of sand dating back about 5 million years, debris accumulated by the Orange River of the Kalahari desert and later displaced by the wind to its current location.

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PictographCar park Altitude 1,887 ft
Photo ofParking para Dead Vlei Photo ofParking para Dead Vlei Photo ofParking para Dead Vlei

Parking para Dead Vlei

Hasta aquí podemos legar con el coche.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,879 ft
Photo ofDead Vlei Photo ofDead Vlei Photo ofDead Vlei

Dead Vlei

Dead Vlei derives its name from two languages, Dead – English (death) and Vlei, meaning lake or swamp in a valley between laens dunes in Afrikaans. The clay pot gives the impression of a lake, albeit without water. The lake formed when the nearby Tsauchab River overflowed its banks, creating shallow temporary pools where the abundance of water allowed acacia and camel thorn trees to grow and flourish. Then, 900 years ago, the climate changed and the area was hit with drought and sand dunes encroached on the shelf, blocking the river in the area. The trees died, since there was not enough water to survive.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,884 ft
Photo ofSossusvlei Photo ofSossusvlei Photo ofSossusvlei


Sossusvlei, the place of no return, with dead acacias It also happens to be surrounded by the largest sand dunes in the world, including Big Daddy, reaching 300-400 meters. These dunes have undoubtedly contributed to providing the necessary conditions to preserve the trees in their desiccated state.

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,570 ft
Photo ofEntrada al Parque de Namib-Naukluft

Entrada al Parque de Namib-Naukluft

The Namib-Naukluft National Park is a protected area in Namibia that includes part of the Namib Desert (considered the oldest desert in the world) and the Naukluft Mountains. With a total area of ​​49,768 square kilometers, the Namib-Naukluft is the largest park in Africa and the fourth largest in the world.1 The best-known area of ​​the park is Sossusvlei, one of Namibia's main tourist attractions.

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Comments  (2)

  • javierlguardia Jul 2, 2023

    !Gran,literaria y detalladisima descripción de la Ruta! Enhorabuena Jesús y participantes!

  • Photo of lalohdj80
    lalohdj80 Jul 6, 2023

    Muchas gracias¡¡¡ Muy bonito viaje¡¡¡

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