
Puebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas


Trail photos

Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas


Trail stats

36.26 mi
Elevation gain
4,049 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,665 ft
Max elevation
3,785 ft
Min elevation
2,469 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 36 minutes
3 hours 17 minutes
January 16, 2022
January 2022

near Valdepeñas de la Sierra, Castilla-La Mancha (España)

Viewed 216 times, downloaded 9 times

Trail photos

Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas Photo ofPuebla de Vales - Tamajon - El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas

Itinerary description

Empezamos este viaje cerca de Valdapenas de La Sierra, esta primera parte pasa por campos agrícolas. Pista fácil y en muy buen estado hasta Puebla de Valles, sólo las lluvias fuertes pueden dificultar el camino, apto para cualquier coche. Tomamos una carretera asfaltada desde Puebla de Valles hasta Tamajon. En la primera foto marqué la pista correcta con línea roja y marqué con una X roja donde no se debe ir. La pista marcada con X roja requiere autorización del gobierno local de Tamajón, además de terminar con una pendiente muy profunda, que se erosiona bien por la lluvia. Se puede pasar si se tiene un buen coche y un buen conocimiento de cómo conducir en pendientes profundas.
El resto de la ruta no tiene mayores dificultades, alguna parte es fangosa desde Tamajon hasta El Vado, no sugiero tomarla después de fuertes lluvias. Todo el camino de la pista tiene un hermoso panorama, el arbusto no raya el coche, alguna parte tiene piedras sueltas, pero no hace ningún problema. Es necesario tener un coche alto, otros caminos se pueden atascar en los mismos puntos. La parte El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas es fácil, cualquier tipo de coche puede hacerlo. La pista forestal no tiene protección después de El Vado, es mejor usar el claxon antes de la siguiente curva que aterrizar en el desfiladero, puedes esperar aquí a varios idiotas que no tienen ni idea de cómo conducir en las montañas. Piensan que solo ellos existen en la carretera y que todas las pistas forestales son de un solo sentido... Tengan cuidado, usen la bocina para advertir a los posibles conductores al otro lado de la curva. La Vereda es una joya, Embalse de Elvado también. La Vereda pierde su encanto si hay mucha gente, no recomiendo para nada los fines de semana. Hoy había poca gente, eso fue más que suficiente para arruinar la alegría que puede ofrecer este pequeño pueblo.
We did start this trip at near Valdapenas de La Sierra, this first part goes through on agricultural fields. Very well maintained easy track until Puebla de Valles, only heavy rain can make it to difficult, suitable for any cars. We took an asphalted road from Puebla de Valles to Tamajon. On first picture I did mark the right track with red line and mark with red X where you shouldn't go. Track marked with red X require authorization from local government of Tamajon, plus ending with a very deep slope, that is eroded well by rain. You can pass it if you have good car and good knowledge how to drive up on deep slopes.
Rest of the route has no major difficulties, some part is muddy from Tamajon to El Vado, I not suggest taking it after heavy rains. All the way of the track has beautiful panorama, bush not scratch the car, some part has loose stones, but not makes any problem. You need to have a tall car, other ways you can get stuck at same points. El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas part is easy, any type of car can make it. Forestry track has no protection after El Vado better to use horn before next curve than landing in the gorge, you can expect here several idiots who have absolutely no clue how to drive in mountains. They think only they are exists on the road and all forestry tracks are one way road... Be careful, use the horn to warn possible drivers at other side of the curve. La Vereda is a jewelry, Embalse de Elvado as well. La Vereda lose its charm if many people are in, I not recommend the weekends at all. Today we had only a few people, that was more than enough to ruin the joy that this little village can offer.
We did start this trip at near Valdapenas de La Sierra, this first part goes through on agricultural fields. Very well maintained easy track until Puebla de Valles, only heavy rain can make it to difficult, suitable for any cars. We took an asphalted road from Puebla de Valles to Tamajon. On first picture I did mark the right track with red line and mark with red X where you shouldn't go. Track marked with red X require authorization from local government of Tamajon, plus ending with a very deep slope, that is eroded well by rain. You can pass it if you have good car and good knowledge how to drive up on deep slopes.
Rest of the route has no major difficulties, some part is muddy from Tamajon to El Vado, I not suggest taking it after heavy rains. All the way of the track has beautiful panorama, bush not scratch the car, some part has loose stones, but not makes any problem. You need to have a tall car, other ways you can get stuck at same points. El Vado - La Vereda - Retiendas part is easy, any type of car can make it. Forestry track has no protection after El Vado better to use horn before next curve than landing in the gorge, you can expect here several idiots who have absolutely no clue how to drive in mountains. They think only they are exists on the road and all forestry tracks are one way road... Be careful, use the horn to warn possible drivers at other side of the curve. La Vereda is a jewelry, Embalse de Elvado as well. La Vereda lose its charm if many people are in, I not recommend the weekends at all. Today we had only a few people, that was more than enough to ruin the joy that this little village can offer.


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